Artist: Shabari Rao

A workshop on mother*ing, embodiment and care
with Shabari Rao and Barbara Mahlknecht


Sunday, December 4, 2022, 10.45–14.15

Limited number of participants. Please send your registration and enquiries to:

The workshop is aimed at all FLINTA*_persons who position themselves as mothers*
or have a strong emotional and corporal relationship to this topic.

Every human life begins in the mother’s womb, yet mother*hood is marginalised…

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Bindhumalini Narayanaswamy and Sahabari Rao

Performance 30min

Singing Body is an improvisational performance score that brings movement and sound together through the common modality of breath. It explores a meditative, mindful, contemplative journey through movement and stillness, sound and silence that unfolds from a place of conscious listening both internally and externally.

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Sahabari Rao


15h – 18h Workshop
18h – 18:30 snacks, drinks, feedback

Participation: for free, with PRE-REGISTRATION at / Subject: STILL STANDING

The minute you are still, you stop being productive. When you stop moving, you no longer progress. And, in stillness, you disrupt what it means to perform. Progress, performance and productivity are the pillars on which capitalism is built. Sometimes even in stillness we become obsessed with these capitalist imperatives. Questions like – Is this stillness good enough? Am I getting better? When will I get to the real stillness? Is this all a waste of time? Or am I getting something out of this? – begin to plague us. But stillness has a way of rendering such questions insignificant. The only way to appreciate stillness is to free it from capitalist expectations.

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