Artist: Anna Spanlang

Anna Spanlang

CEREAL / Soy Claudia, soy Esther y soy Teresa. Soy Ingrid, soy Fabiola y soy Valeria.
Film 2022, 35 min

The title of Anna Spanlang’s film takes up the activist practice of identifying with the victims, as is practiced in the protests against femicide, to say the names of the murdered women. The film includes images from a FLINTA* action protesting structural violence against women in Austria; images of sex workers posing at a slut walk in Los Angeles, of befriended artists and skateboarders, and of a positive pregnancy test, which leads to the question of whether to have an abortion or not.
In her first longer work, Spanlang is a master of the rapid montage and a perfectionist of this craft. Personal cell-phone recordings from a eleven-year period dominate in this essayistic work, but the footage used also includes videogames, news, tv series, comics, and feature films through to picture-in-picture sequences. In nearly thirty-five minutes, she breathlessly juxtaposes countless images and stories. For Spanlang: more is more. After all,

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